Jan 28, 2009

Chennai's new flavor

MTC no longer runs just two route variants: the White board and the yellow board. All white boards seem to have been converted to a mofussil status with a prefix of M. Then the Yellow board buses. Now above these two, we have the Deluxe buses with low floors (with the name தாழ்தள சொகுசு பேருந்து pasted on it) and buses with automatic doors(தானியங்கி கதவுகள்). But above all these are the A/C buses.
Whenever possible I take this 'தாழ்தள, தானியங்கி கதவுகள் மற்றும் குளிர் சாதனம் பொருந்திய சொகுசு பேருந்து' in Chennai. The ticket only costs about Rupees 20. Nowadays, these buses have increased frequencies of operation too. Apparently, MTC is all out to woo the people to ride in this bus which has a chauffer-like-uniformed driver, a music system hooked to cd player etc. And the high quality glass windows of this Volvo bus seems to be advertisement friendly too. But I wonder what the average Chennaiite thinks about 'this new flavor'......
P.S.: Click on the image to get the full 'picture' of what I am saying.


Anonymous,  January 28, 2009 at 10:50:00 PM EST  

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